Thank You to Rotary Project Sponsors for 2023-2024!
1:00AM – 11:00AM MDT
The Rotary Club of Townsend welcomes our Sponsors helping to fund Fall Fest and other Rotary Projects for the 2023-24 fiscal year!
Recent and future projects include donating time and/or funds to: Imagination Library, Broadwater Community Theater, Broadwater High School (BHS) Drama Club, Broadwater Rodeo Club, Broadwater Food Pantry, Swimming Pool Lifeguard Training and STOKE; Bike Rodeo; Landscape Skatepark; Circus; 3rd Annual Broadwater High School (BHS) Speech and Drama Showcase; Boys/Girls State Students; Students to Rotary Youth Leadership Award Camp; Slice of Summer Family Fun Events; Rotary Youth-sponsored Interact Club activities; Three BHS Scholarships; Upgrade Senior Center, and more....
As a Rotary Projects sponsor, you help our club contribute to the community. You will receive advertising space on our website and Social Media platforms (Facebook and Website) as well as special recognition at Fall Fest.
Steps to Apply
- Step 1: Click HERE to select your sponsor level, enter your information, and to select payment. method.
- Step 2: Wait for Approval
- Step 3: You're all set!
If you have any questions, please reach out to the primary contact below!
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Patrick Plantenberg
Event Contact
Supporting individuals with disabilities in achieving their full potential. We are here to help.
Townsend Hardware proudly sponsors Fall Fest and invites you to join us!