Shallom, a joyful 3-year-old who loves playing with friends, dreams of becoming a driver one day. To help him reach his potential, he needs support with education and healthcare.
Ongoing Event

ID:  Gicumbi_036

Gender: Male

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday: 11/01/2021

School: ICYIZERE Academy

Guardians: He lives with his parents

Marital Status of Parents: married

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: father is a farmer

Number of Siblings: 6

Brief constraint of the family: Shallom is a spirited 3-year-old who loves playing in nature with his siblings. Despite the financial challenges his family faces, they remain hopeful and determined. His father works odd jobs and his mother farms, and while the COVID-19 pandemic has made things tough, they’re committed to making the best of their situation. With support, Shallom can receive the nutrition and care he needs to grow stronger and healthier. Your help can turn their struggles into a brighter future, giving Shallom the chance to thrive and find joy in each day.

40/month will provide Shallom with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups 
  3. Mentorship and love
  4. School fees and scholastic materials
  5. A pair of shoes / year
  6. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life

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Tax ID: 273460415FSLR