8:00AM – 1:00PM PDT
Overnight trip up to Newport Marina, carnivals and fun to be had by all. Pogeys will be given priority seating on this cruise, but senior Mariners are more than welcome. We have more seats than Pogeys, so there should be ample room!
Don't overpack for this trip, you should only need one change of clothes, plus amenities. Bring cards!
Do you have a passionate love for cooking that you'd like to impress your fellow Mariners with? Consider yourself in luck, because this cruise will provide an opportunity to perform the "Galley" requirement for Ordinary rank. Contact Bucky Bailey at 949-370-2427 if you like cooking.
Leaving 8:00AM Saturday, back 1:00PM Father's Day. De-rigging the boats should take no more than an hour. Contact Alex Kanstul at 714-812-8482 for answers to any questions and queries.
Bucky Bailey
Alexander S Kanstul
Cruise master