Life Skills Picnic - Fall 2024
Develop the skills our youth will need and want for their whole lives.
November 16, 2024
8:00AM – 2:00PM MST
In connection with a variety of youth-focused non-profits Phoenix Rotary 100 provides critical life skills training to middle school, high school and college students for free on a glorious Saturday morning at the Steele Indian School Park in Phoenix.  Attendance is anticipated to be between 200 and 500.

Volunteers are critical to the success of the event, so please click to sign up for one or more of our volunteer roles on the Google Form found HERE. We will review your role request and make an assignment.  

Also please contact us by email to let us know if you would like to teach any of the life skills classes.  
And if you have a suggestion of your own for a class not listed, please let us know.  All correspondence should go through Angela Lopez at

Thanks for your service!

  1. Health
    • CPR/first aid
    • Fitness
    • Nutrition
    • Yoga
    • Nurturing relationships
    • Coping with stress
  2. Financial Literacy
    • Understanding debt and credit
    • Budgeting and money management
    • Understanding car, renters and home insurance
    • What to look for when making big purchases like a car or computer
  3. Practical Skills
    • Communicating through phone and mail
    • Basic car maintenance
    • How to make homemade pasta
    • Sewing
    • Using basic household tools
    • Fire safety
    • Self defense
    • Table manners and table etiquette
    • Gardening
    • How to remove stains and fold laundry
  4. Career and College Readiness
    • Interview and resume coaching
    • FAFSA basics
    • Accepting and responding to feedback
    • The art of small talk and networking
    • How to choose a career
    • Introduction to health care careers
    • Introduction to other career fields
    • Dress for success
    • How to find job opportunities
  5. Communications/Other
    • Public speaking
    • Improv
    • Problem solving
    • Time management
    • Interacting with law enforcement
    • Conflict resolution
    • Civic engagement
    • Using library resources

Life Skills Picnic Schedule:

  • 8:00: Breakfast, check in and fun skill stations 
  • 8:45: You must arrive by 8:45 to get your top choice classes. At 8:45, your spot in more popular classes may be given away.
  • 9-9:50: First session
  • 10-10:50: Second session
  • 11-11:50: Third session
  • 12-12:50: Fourth session
  • 1:00: Pizza and for participants who completed 4 sessions, they can enter to win a raffle prize!

Snacks and water available throughout the day.

The picnic will be held at Steele Indian School Park in Phoenix (at 3rd Street and Indian School). Free parking is available but we highly recommend carpooling as spaces may be limited.

Indian School Park

300 E. Indian School Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Driving Directions
Indian School Park
300 E. Indian School Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85012

Angela Lopez
Past President, Phoenix Rotary 100

Tax ID: 866057676