Leolla is a cheerful 1-year-old girl living with her mother. She needs support for nutrition, healthcare, and emotional care to ensure a healthy and happy future.
Ongoing Event

ID:  Gicumbi_052

Gender: Female

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday: 25/05/2023


Guardians: She lives with her mother

Marital Status of Parents: unmarried

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: cultivating

Number of Siblings: none

Brief constraint of the family: Leolla is a 1-year-old with a bright smile who lives with her dedicated mother, a farmer. Though they face challenges since her father left and the economic impact of COVID-19 has strained their resources, Leolla's mother is resilient and resourceful. She takes on extra jobs to provide for her family, and with some support, they could turn their situation around. Though they currently manage on limited means, your help would ensure Leolla gets the essential items and nutrition she needs to thrive. With your support, her future is full of promise and potential.

40/month will provide Leolla with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups 
  3. baby supplies she needs
  4. insurance
  5. Mentorship and love
  6. A pair of shoes / year
  7. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life

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Tax ID: 273460415FSLR