Janviere INEZA
Janvière is 6 years old and lives with her mother. She loves playing football and enjoys washing dishes. her dream is to become a teacher but she needs your assistance to achieve this dream.
Ongoing Event

ID:  Gicumbi_021

Gender:  Female

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday:  24/09/2018

School:  Icyizere Academy

Guardians: She lives with her parents

Marital Status of Parents: married

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: unemployed

Number of Siblings: 1

Brief constraint of the family: Janviere is a bright and energetic 6-year-old who  lives with her parents and 2-year-old sibling. While their farming has been impacted by climate change, the family remains hopeful. Janviere’s parents are committed to her education and well-being. With support, Janviere can receive the nutrition and care she needs to thrive. Your help can ensure she continues to grow, learn, and play, paving the way for a brighter future despite the challenges.

40/month will provide Janviere with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups 
  3. Mentorship and love
  4. School fees and scholastic materials
  5. A pair of shoes / year
  6. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life

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Tax ID: 273460415FSLR