I.S.P.E.A.K is an acronym for Inspired Speakers in Pink Encouraging Action for Komen. I.S.P.E.A.K Representatives are breast cancer survivors, co-survivors and those who have lost someone to breast cancer. I.S.P.E.A.K Representatives are volunteers who support our mission and are passionate about sharing their story and journey of survivorship, hope and in some cases, loss. New I.S.P.E.A.K Representatives are given training and are mentored by experienced I.S.P.E.A.K Representatives. Representatives are asked to share their story of survivorship, co-survivorship and loss, address small groups and large audiences, and connect their personal experiences with our organization and our mission. Representatives attend many different types of events and speaking engagements including check handovers, guest speaker panels, breast cancer awareness month outreach activities, community health fairs and 3rd party fundraising events. Speakers disseminate Komen breast health information to audiences they present to, and help promote our signature events – Race for the Cure and the Pink Tie Ball.