ID: Gicumbi_035
Gender: Male
Location: Gicumbi district, North Province
Birthday: 04/01/2019
School: ICYIZERE Academy
Guardians: He lives with his parents
Marital Status of Parents: married
Mother/Female Guardian Employment: father is a cultivator
Number of Siblings: 2
Brief constraint of the family:Gad is a cheerful 5-year-old boy with big dreams of becoming a doctor. Despite his family’s financial challenges, his spirit remains unshaken, and he excels in school thanks to Lifelink’s Icyizere Academy. His mother’s farming and his father’s odd jobs provide a foundation of hope, even as they navigate the impacts of COVID-19. Though their resources are limited, Gad’s resilience and determination shine through. With a bit more support for nutrition and healthcare, Gad’s bright future and potential to achieve his dreams remain within reach.
40/month will provide Gad with:
- Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
- Medical Checkups
- Mentorship and love
- School fees and scholastic materials
- A pair of shoes / year
- An introduction to the Love of God
your contribution will make a significant change in her life