Foster A Dog Banner
Little Red Dog Inc

Foster A Dog

Ongoing Event

We are looking/begging for people who would be willing to foster a dog or puppy. We provide all of the supplies, food, vet care, and you supply the warm, safe place inside your home, two walks a day and help reinforce training and bring the dog to adoption events twice a month in Orange County.

We are desperate. Every day dogs are dying in the shelters, even puppies because they are homeless, will you help us save them? 


We need patient, caring, non-drama (no high maintenance people) fosters! We also have mom and puppies that need saving, let us know if you can help! This will directly impact lives and it is so rewarding. PLEASE HELP! We have a foster program where you get rewards and discounts. Thank you for all you do for animals!


  • Must be at least 25
  • 90 day minimum commitment
  • this takes place at your home-we provide training, supplies and vet care

21716 Rushford Drive
Lake Forrest, CA 92630

Tax ID: 453682976