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Heroes' Grey Belt Project (formerly Black Belt Project) will bring together deserving heroes who had to defer their goal of pursuing excellence in martial arts--for whatever reason--with certified martial arts instructors to help foster a larger sense of community and service into martial arts training and help everyone involved, through scholarships to Do Something Good through any chosen form of training. We have changed our title to coincide with the Grey Belt process which Gordon Richiusa introduced many decades ago to allow those who had earned rank in established styles of martial arts to join Five Birds Martial Arts instruction without regard to previous instruction. Following similar traditional concepts, a student voluntarily removes themselves from the colored belt program (wears a grey belt) until they can demonstrate an instructor level understanding of the system and curriculum. At that point the student decides if they wish to pursue teaching (whereas they may request black belt status). The ultimate goal is understanding of the Five Principles, and especially Defense Awareness.
Heroes' Hearts is not promoting any particular style or ryu, but rather a way for true…
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