8:00AM – 2:00PM PDT
$3,418 Raised
For over 100 years, The Rotary Club of the Verde Valley has provided ongoing financial support for people and programs who need it most. Our support for youth through reading programs, leadership development, scholarships, vocational opportunities, and school activities and support define our club.
In addition, we donate money and provided sweat equity working with the other organizations in the Verde Valley that support the adult community in housing and shelter, food and sustenance, health, and career opportunity.
We financially support Rotary’s International’s effort to provide worldwide relief in the areas of peace building and conflict resolution, basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, water sanitation and hygiene, community economic development, maternal and child health, and support for the environment.
Our primary fundraising effort is the Duck Race held on Verde River Day at Dead Horse Ranch State Park. This event has raised more than $400,000 over the years to support many worthwhile programs. We know that you care about our community and with your continued support we can reach our 2024 goal of $40,000. Please consider sponsoring the 2024 Rotary Duck Race at whatever level you find comfortable. In addition to race tickets, you will be acknowledged in newspaper advertisements in the Verde Independent and through publicity at the event.
Sponsorship Levels:
$2,500 - Titanium level* and 250 race tickets
$1,000 - Platinum level* and 100 race tickets
$ 500 - Gold level* and 50 race tickets
$ 350 - Silver level* and 35 race tickets
$ 200 - Bronze level* and 20 race tickets
* Sponsorship Levels are included in event day publicity and in advertising in the Verde Independent newspaper prior to and after the event. See enclosed newspaper example.
When – September 28, 2024
Where – Dead Horse Ranch State Park – Verde River Day
1st Place -$1,000 2nd Place - $500 3rd Place - $250
You can sponsor online at www.rotarycluboftheverdevalley.org.
You can also purchase tickets online.
Eric Young
Duck Race Chairperson
Tom Taylor
Duck Race Chairperson
(928) 301-4396
Thank you Tania for letting us know about this event. - Laser Etched
Sponsorship from Spectrum Healthcare Group
At Northern Arizona Roof Services, we're proud to support the Rotary Club Duck Race! 🦆 This fun-filled event not only brings our community together but also raises funds for important local initiatives. We're honored to play a part in making a positive impact right here at home. Let's cheer on those ducks and make a splash for a great cause!
Rotary does so much for our community and world. It is easy to support this event.!
Thank you for what you do in the Verde Valley