Afraid of heights? Guess what - everyone one is! Here's your chance to do the unthinkable!! Mauri will teach you the basics of climbing (something you, as a child, did naturally) and belay you to climb at her climbing gym in Sunnyvale, Movement Gym (movementgyms/sunnyvale). You will learn how to climb into your harness, tie yourself in safely and start up the wall, whichever you choose to try...easiest start at 5.3 (5.0 climbs require a harness and rope for safety and the digits after the 5 go up to 14!). You will be ecstatic to see yourself improve from 'unable to take the first step off the ground' to 2 steps or 5 steps....Who cares? We're all just doing it to get over our fear of heights! You will be pleasantly surprised with the excitement with your own improvement. Come join a small group of adults for some climbing fun followed by a (no host) pub luncheon.
For up to six (6) adults. $60 each. Date to be negotiated with Mauri Okamoto-Kearney.
For up to six (6) adults. First come, first served. $60 each. Date to be negotiated with Mauri Okamoto-Kearney.