Clemence is 4 years old and lives with her mother. She loves playing ball and enjoys sweeping and cleaning, however she lacks proper healthcare and need support to secure a healthy future.

ID:  Gicumbi_007

Gender: Female

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday: 03/04/2020

School:  icyizere academy

Guardians: She lives with her mother

Marital Status of Parents: unmarried

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: sewing

Number of Siblings: 1

Brief constraint of the family: Clemence is a playful girl facing economic challenges, her mother is part of the sewing project at LifeLink and her earning is not enough to feed Clemence and her baby brother. The mother is determined to build a better life and looks forward to the future. With support, Clemence can overcome her current situation and gain access to proper nutrition, healthcare, and educational opportunities. With the right nourishment and care, Clemence will thrive and have the chance to build a brighter future.

$40/month will provide Clemence  with:

  • Nutrition monitoring and intervention

  • Regular medical checkups

  • Individual mentorship and emotional support

  • School fees and school materials

  • One pair of shoes each year

  • Education assistance and skills training

  • An introduction to the love of God

Your contribution will make a significant difference in his life

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