Carine, a 4-year-old who loves circle games and cleaning with her mother, dreams of becoming a pilot. Support for education and healthcare will help her achieve her bright future.
Ongoing Event

ID:  Gicumbi_033

Gender: Female

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday: 13/01/2020

School: ICYIZERE Academy

Guardians: She lives with her mother

Marital Status of Parents: unmarried

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: unemployed

Number of Siblings: 1

Brief constraint of the family: Carine, a lively 4-year-old who loves jumping rope and singing, faces challenges due to her family’s financial situation. Despite these difficulties, Carine’s vibrant spirit shines through. Her father’s odd jobs and her mother’s unemployment have made things tough, but with support, Carine can access the nutrition, healthcare, and emotional care she needs. This assistance will help improve her living conditions and ensure she continues to grow and thrive, turning her current challenges into a foundation for a brighter, healthier future.

40/month will provide Carine with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups 
  3. Mentorship and love
  4. School fees and scholastic materials
  5. A pair of shoes / year
  6. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life

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Tax ID: 273460415FSLR