ID: Gicumbi_012
Gender: Female
Location: Gicumbi district, North Province
Birthday: 16/06/2022
Guardians: He lives with a guardian
Marital Status of Parents: Unmarried
Mother/Female Guardian Employment: Unemployed
Number of Siblings: none
Brief constraint of the family: Bravile is a 2-year-old girl living with her adoptive mother who found her abandoned on the streets, with no trace of her biological parents. Her adoptive mother's chronic blood pressure issues further hinders her ability to work some jobs making it hard to provide her even the most basic necessities, such as food. This situation profoundly affects Bravile, who faces physical challenges due to malnutrition. There is hope, With your help, Bravile can access the resources he needs for a healthier, brighter future.
$40/month will provide Bravile with:
- Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
- Medical Checkups
- Mentorship and love
- School fees and scholastic materials
- A pair of shoes / year
- An introduction to the Love of God
your contribution will make a significant change in her life
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