Boaz is a vibrant 1-year-old boy who lives in Gicumbi with his mother. He enjoys listening to lullabies and nature is his happy place. Boaz needs your support for his effective growth.
Ongoing Event

ID:  Gicumbi_016

Gender: Male

Location:  Gicumbi district, North Province

Birthday:  17/08/2023


Guardians: He lives with his mother 

Marital Status of Parents: Unmarried

Mother/Female Guardian Employment: Unemployed

Number of Siblings: 1

Brief constraint of the family:Boaz is a 1-year-old boy living  with his mother. His father abandoned them when Boaz was just a month old, leaving his mother the responsibility of raising him alone. Unemployed and struggling, she has done everything within her power to provide for Boaz, relying on the goodwill of others. However, their situation remains dire. Despite these hardships, Boaz remains a lively and energetic child, full of potential. Boaz needs your help to change his story. Your support can provide the nourishment and stability that Boaz needs, ensuring a more hopeful future.

40/month will provide Boaz with:

  1. Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
  2. Medical Checkups 
  3. Baby supplies 
  4. insurance 
  5. A pair of shoes / year
  6. An introduction to the Love of God

your contribution will make a significant change in her life

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Tax ID: 273460415FSLR