ID: Gicumbi_034
Gender: Female
Location: Gicumbi district, North Province
Birthday: 07/10/2020
School: ICYIZERE Academy
Guardians: She lives with her grandmother
Marital Status of Parents: unmarried
Mother/Female Guardian Employment: farmer
Number of Siblings: 1
Brief constraint of the family:Blessing is a joyful 4-year-old who loves playing hide and seek with her sibling. Though life has been challenging since her parents left, she is lovingly cared for by her dedicated grandmother. With the support from Lifelink’s Icyizere Academy and a farming project, they are making progress, even as they face difficulties. Though their home and resources are limited, the love and hope they share drive them forward. With continued support, Blessing can receive the nutrition and care she needs to thrive, growing strong and happy, giving her a brighter future.
40/month will provide Blessing with:
- Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
- Medical Checkups
- Mentorship and love
- School fees and scholastic materials
- A pair of shoes / year
- An introduction to the Love of God
your contribution will make a significant change in her life