ID: Gicumbi_010
Gender: Male
Location: Gicumbi district, North Province
Birthday: 25/04/2021
Guardians: He lives with his mother
Marital Status of Parents: Unmarried
Mother/Female Guardian Employment: unemployed
Number of Siblings: 1
Brief constraint of the family: Blaise is a 3-year-old child living with his mother, and four other relatives. Tragically, Blaise's father passed away, and his mother, who is HIV positive, faces significant challenges due to the stigma associated with her condition which limits her employment opportunities, leaving her struggling to provide for the family. They rely heavily on the goodwill of others, which is insufficient to meet their basic needs. As a result, their feeding is poor. The malnutrition is not only stunting Blaise's physical growth but is also jeopardizing his long-term health and educational prospects. Your support is crucial to provide Blaise with the essential nutrition, healthcare he needs to overcome these challenges and achieve a promising future.
$40/month will provide Blaise with:
- Malnutrition Monitoring and intervention
- Medical Checkups
- Mentorship and love
- School fees and scholastic materials
- A pair of shoes / year
- An introduction…