Archery is the fastest growing sport, in all demographics, in the country making it a great way to bring old and young, rich and poor, etc. together. Five Birds Archery conducts instructor training (through USA Archery, the Olympic Sanctioning body for Archery in the U.S.A.), teaches individuals and groups, and helps interested organizations to organize events and fund-raisers (including sanctioned tournaments) through our HEROES' HELPING HEROES umbrella project.
We have: 1) established archery ranges (multiple municipalities), 2) certified instructors in many states of our union for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, U.S. Park Ranger services, and others 3) put on successful events including: Put An End to PTSD; Put An End to Addiction; Put an End to Cancer.
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Gordon Richiusa and his USA Archery certified instructors conduct in person and online instruction using USA Archery Materials and memberships. THERE ARE NO PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS TO TEACH ARCHERY FOR USAA. PARTIAL AND FULL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR VETERANS AND OTHER "HEROES."
Jorge Merlos
Level 2 Certified Instructor
lesson 03/18/2022