Zov's Bistro Cookbook with $50 Zov's Gift Card and a Trader Joe's Food Basket
Bids (7)
Retail Value $115.00
Donated by Zov's Bistro, Inc. & Trader Joe's
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Bid History (7 bids - Click to View)
Johnny Johnson 10/20/22 05:25PM

Top bid!

Michael Conconi 10/20/22 05:19PM

Johnny Johnson 10/19/22 03:58PM

Caryl Johnson 10/19/22 12:53PM

Johnny Johnson 10/14/22 10:53AM

Jeffrey Leonard 10/07/22 01:12PM

Kevin Collins 09/30/22 04:08PM


Kevin Collins
Golf Tournament Co-Chair

Sandra Bensworth
Auction Committee Chairperson