All Day PDT
Join the TopSailors as they compete in a tradition of over fifty years in the San Fransisco Harbor at the CSU Maritime Academy. Over twenty events and over 150 high school aged Sea Scouts from western USA up and down the Pacific Coast and Hawaii compete for the glory of their Ships, to be decidedly the best in the tested skillset. Scouts stay in Maritime Academy dorms and eat at the cafeteria, just as the college students do, on Memorial Weekend, May 25th through 27th, leave early Friday morning and return Sunday. Good fun and stories to be told years to come! Price includes bus rides to and from San Fransisco, admission to AMR, meals. Bring a sleeping bag and weather appropriate for foggy, coastal Vallejo.
Mariner Bus pick up is early Friday morning, get permission to get of school ahead of time to check out CSUM campus.
Bill Drewes
Snowy Drewes
First Mate
Alex K.
Spring Bosun
Joey A.
AMR Bosun
Daphne B.
Boatswain Mate