2025 B/S/H/Oktoberfest Sponsorships
Presented by First Flight Credit Union
September 27, 2025
5:00PM – 10:00PM EDT
5:00PM – 10:00PM EDT
Price | |
Master Brewer (exclusive sponsorship)
*Multi-media advertising on radio, television and print (Estimated value $20,000 – social media and more!) *Logo on New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest posters, New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, placemats. * Permission to use New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *4 tickets to New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Entertainment Sponsor (exclusive sponsorship)
*Multi-media advertising on radio, television, and print - (Estimated value $20,000) *Social media coverage *Logo on New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest posters, New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, and event placemats. * Permission to use the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *Hanging banner for the event (you supply) *4 Tickets to the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Tapping of the Keg Sponsor (exclusive sponsorship)
*Multi-media advertising on radio, television and print (Estimated value $20,000 – social media and more!) *Logo on New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest posters, New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, placemats *Permission to use New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *Your company featured for this unique, pre-Fest event *4 Tickets to the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Food Sponsor (exclusive sponsorship)
*Multi-media advertising on radio, television, and print - (Estimated value $20,000) *Social media coverage *Logo on New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest posters, New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, and event placemats. * Permission to use the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *Hanging banner for the event (you supply) *4 Tickets to the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Stout Sponsor
*Multi-media advertising on radio, television and print (Estimated value $20,000 – social media and more!) *Logo on New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest posters, New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, placemats *Permission to use New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *Your company featured for this unique event*
Ticket Print Sponsor
Your corporate logo and name on reverse side
Lager Sponsor
*Listed on the New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, table placemats *Permission to use New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *2 Tickets to the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Pilsner Sponsor
*Listed on the New Bern Breakfast Rotary website, table placemats *Permission to use New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest logo *1 Ticket to the New Bern B/S/H/Oktoberfest
Bock Sponsor
*Listed on the New Bern Breakfast Rotary website and table placemats
Your Banner – prominently displayed
You supply it - We hang it
Ann Super
Tax ID: 455258649