1st Annual Tea Celebration Women In Rotary-Vendor Registration
March 9, 2024
9:00AM – 1:00PM MST
9:00AM – 1:00PM MST
Celebrate 35 years of Women In Rotary during Women's History Month. Expecting Approximately 100+ Women and Men to the event.
- All prices include table/chair and one meal (additional meals $20 each)
- Non-Profit (table and meal only) = $20
- Non-Profit (table and meal with a 5-minute elevator speech during luncheon) = $30
- For-Profit (table and meal with a 5-minute elevator speech during luncheon) = $40
PRE-PAYMENT REQUIRED by March 1, 2024 (non-refundable). If you cannot be at the event, please call 3 days in advance!
Advise if electricity is needed.
Jacqueline Wasik
President, Rotary Club of Tempe Downtown
(815) 254-7789
Rotary Club of Tempe Downtown Foundation Tax ID: 953549568
Sometimes what looks like an obstacle in your path is actually a gift meant to move you in a different direction.
BODY20 Tempe is a technology based fitness studio utilizing EMS suits to deliver 36,000 muscle contractions within a 20-minute workout.
Be a part of something bigger!! National Youth Advocate Program is in need of caring adults to become transitional foster parents and temporarily open their home to youth who are awaiting reunification with family. Contact Kelly Garza kgarza@nyap.org
Help people create and maintain healthy living with healthy habits and partnering with Arbonne for the products.
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