1:00AM – 2:00AM PDT
It's time to protect another 100,000 children from polio’s dreaded virus!
Angels vs. Seattle Mariners test
Chili Cook-of 3:00PM
Game 6:05PM
This is our Annual District Event that promotes Rotarian fellowship while raising money critically needed for the PolioPlus Fund. With the assistance of the Gates Foundation we can help finally win the battle to eradicate polio. ALL NET PROCEEDS ARE DONATED TO ERADICATING POLIO.
• Chili Cook-of (COO) before the game. Tasting begins at 3:00 PM.
• Angels vs. Seattle Mariners game at 6:05 PM
CHILI COOK-OFF – Tasting starts at 3:00PM • Live Band - Back by popular demand..."The Hammered Nails"
GAME TICKETS - located on the Third Base Side (6:05PM)
1. 400 Club Loge (sec. 301-304) - $50/seat (approx. $28 of which goes to Polio Plus)
2. 200 Field (section 106) - $70/seat (approx. $31 of which goes to Polio Plus)
Tickets can be picked up at the Rotary Club of Newport Beach booth (under the Big A) on the day of the event.
If you cannot attend the event, please consider making a donation as every $1 raised is matched by $2 from the Bill & Linda Gates Foundation.
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over 3 years ago | Reply
Testing commenets