10:00PM – 5:00PM PST
Use this page for paying Mariner Junior and Mariner Fall Dues and Fees.
Mariners have the option of using earned Swabby from their personal account. Mariners electing to pay with Swabby should choose the free "pay with Swabby ticket" and then click on the "add a donation" button with that ticket to pay the balance remaining after using Swabby. Be sure to claim the ticket and then answer the accompanying questions. The questions help us to understand your intentions. We will make the Swabby deductions based on your answers.
Adult Advisors may choose any amount when paying for fees. Adults paying less then the full amount should choose a free ticket and then "add a donation" button with that free ticket.
Mariner Juniors - minimum age requirement is 12 by November 1. Mariners - minimum age requirement is 14 by November 1.
Registration for Mariner Juniors will take place on September 6 or September 13 at 6:30 pm.
Registration for returning Mariners will take place on August 30 between 1730 and 1900. Registration for new mariners (pogeys) will take place on September 13 at 6:30 pm.
Mariner Youth are reminded that completion of classroom requirements from the previous season…
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Jim "Skip" Wehan
Ruth Fassett
Director for Mariner Juniors
Shannon Harshman
Mariner Registration