Warriors On The Way

Warriors On The Way   


Warriors on the Way is a Veterans Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago (Spain) designed to put Warriors with PTSD and Moral Injury on the Way to Healing. 

Listen to a Project Camino Podcast to hear about the background and motivation for this pilgrimage. 


Time to think, consider, contemplate, plan, and pray all while putting one foot in front of the other.  The Ruck March – just about everyone who has served in the military has done it, and benefitted from it, even if only in training.

The Warriors on the Way© pilgrimage intends to capture the benefits while leaving the negatives behind.  A 180-Mile pilgrimage in Spain on the Camino de Santiago during the last two months of September, Warriors on the Way will travel through historic cities of Astorga, Ponferrada (Home of one of the largest Knight Templar Castles still standing), Portomarin, and the gorgeous mountains of Galicia.  Each pilgrim will have the opportunity to participate in the ancient ritual of leaving burdens at the foot of the Cruz de Ferro, see the site of a documented miracle at O Cebreiro, and, ultimately, complete their journey at the amazing Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.

Warriors on the Way is a purpose designed pilgrimage for Combat Veterans by Combat Veterans.  Capitalizing on the latest research in PTSD and Moral Injury care, pilgrim veterans will join in the tradition of pilgrims who have been walking the Camino de Santiago since the 9th Century.  Today the Camino welcomes pilgrims of all backgrounds from around the world with an established route with full logistical support.  This means that while each day may be long, the weight each pilgrim must carry will be light (a max load of 18lbs).

Are you interested?  Do you know somebody who may be interested?  Please contact me at WarriorsOnTheWay @ gmail.com.

Can’t go but would like to keep up with the project?  Follow us on the following platforms: warriorsontheway.org ; facebook.com/WarriorsOnTheWay ; instagram.com/warriorsontheway/ and, twitter.com/WarriorsOnThWay.

Can’t go but would like to help make sure another vet can go?

Warriors On The Way has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to Warriors On The Way ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Fr. Steve Rindahl