Rotary Club of Grand Junction Horizon Sunrise

Rotary Club of Grand Junction Horizon Sunrise   

Service Above Self
Philanthropy & Volunteerism | Grand Junction, CO

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Horizon Sunrise Rotary Club was chartered in 1999.  We are an active and lively group of community minded individuals that believe in Service Above Self and working together to create a stronger community and world.  Like are fellow Rotary Clubs we hold annual fundraisers to support local, state and international work.  We also like to get our hands dirty.  For example, we gather an clean up our adopted mile on Interstate 70.  We also assist the Salvation Army and Toys for tots and spend an evening or two organizing presents for well deserving under served families in Mesa County.  

We meet every Thursday from 7:30 am to 8:30 am.  We socialize before the meeting beginning around 7:15 am.  Guests are always welcome even if you aren't really a service club kind of person.  We understand, a many of us felt the same way before we joined our Rotary brothers and sisters at Horizon Sunrise Rotary.


Our Benefactors

Mesa County 1st Grade Library Card Program

Mesa County 3rd Grade Dictionary Project

Clifton Christian Food Bank

Community Food Bank

Cycle Effect

D51 Foundation

Dyslexia Foundation

Friends of Youth & Nature

Girls on the Run

Grand Junction Imagination Library

Junior College World Series (JUCO team host)

La Plaza

Medicine Arm-in-Arm Dental Program

Marillac Clinic

Mind Springs Health Center

Rotary Polio Plus

Rotary Youth Exchange

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation 


2024-2025 Board of Directors

Jim Kaiser, President

Tyler O'Dell, President Elect 

Theresa Horvat, President Elect Nominee

Ken Watkins, Immediate Past President

Nicole Parentice, Co-Secretary

Steve Hitchcock, Treasurer




Ongoing and User Campaigns


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EIN: 841499826
625 24 1/2 Road, A, Grand Junction, CO, 81505, US