Radiant Health Centers

Radiant Health Centers   

Compassionate Care for All
Irvine, CA


When a patient comes into Radiant Health Centers for testing and care, they can rest assured that they will be treated with dignity, respect and above all compassion. We help anyone in need of care, and we do not discriminate.

We are passionate about health equity, and believe everyone in our community deserves high quality healthcare.


Radiant Health Centers provides the LGBTQ+ community medical services that are compassionate and comprehensive while continuing to serve those living with and affected by HIV.


LGBTQ+ healthcare equity and the end of the HIV epidemic in Orange County.

Who We Help

We have provided more than three decades of exceptional care and support to people living with HIV, along with their loved ones and are expanding our services to ensure everyone in Orange County has access to stigma-free, compassionate care. We currently offer comprehensive social services and a growing number of medical services including medical case management for people with HIV or at risk for HIV as well as free hepatitis C testing, full mental health services and nutrition support and counseling. Radiant Health Centers also offers kids programs and support groups for family and loved ones and vital education and outreach services.

How We Help

If a client is HIV positive we assign them to a social worker who connects them with a continuum of care which includes medical needs, financial and housing assistance, mental health counseling, nutrition support, peer groups and transportation. We continue to expand our medical services to ensure more people from our community have timely, compassionate access to the health services they need.

RHC has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to RHC ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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