Kids Give To Kids

Kids Give To Kids   

Where every kid can become a giver

Meet the Founder!

Founder: Daniel Barrett

I created Kids Give to Kids (Kspire) from my heart because of my own experience of being brought up in foster care and a single-parent home.  

As a child, I didn't have the choice of the toys that I received from others.  Although I was very grateful, I simply had to accept what was given.

Through working with Toys for Tots for five years, I helped collect and distribute thousands of toys and loved every moment of it. The children are always appreciative, but most did not receive what they wanted because they were not picked specifically for them by those that know them.

I feel Kids Give to Kids (Kspire) creates a more personal experience because  the receiving child chooses their gift. The sharing child gives their once-loved toy knowing their gift was selected.

I feel so blessed to be where I am today. I hope to show others how easy it is to love complete strangers, not to judge or look down upon anyone, and to give with an open heart.

God Bless The World!


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