Fit to be Kids

Fit to be Kids   

Aliso Viejo, CA

Fit to be Kids is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization (Tax ID #45-3171471) providing FREE fitness activities, nutrition counseling and life coping skills to low-income/at-risk and special-needs children and their families in Orange County, CA.  We offer a unique blend of mind-body-spirit practices on which we pride ourselves.  We have developed partnerships with key organizations and institutions, such as St. Joseph’s Health-Mission Hospital and the YMCA, to further our curricular impact.  At its core, Fit to be Kids is a program that is built on essential educational benchmarks and standards and, with regards to physical activity and nutrition, keeps the content current with the latest research and best practices.   

“Through physical activity, nutrition counseling and life coaching programs; our mission is to promote positive reinforcement of change, reduce problematic health risks, increase obesity awareness, and improve overall wellness for families.” 

Fit to be Kids has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to Fit to be Kids ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Shae Gawlak