Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles

Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles   

Religion | Los Angeles, CA

Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters’ (CBBBS) mission to the Los Angeles area has been to provide low-income, at-risk youth, of all beliefs and backgrounds with strong, enduring and professionally supported, one-on-one relationships with caring adults that change the lives of these young people for the better; forever. Its vision is to create a lasting, positive impact on youth, helping them to succeed in school and in life. 

CBBBS has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to CBBBS ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Abby MacInnes
Development Associate