Camp Fire Tulsa

Camp Fire Tulsa   

Tulsa, OK


Young people want to shape the world.
Camp Fire provides the opportunity to
find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.
In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within



We employ 12 core values that guide the development of programs and the organization as a whole:

  1. We believe that children and youth are our most precious resources.
  2. We believe in an approach to youth development that builds assets and empowers individuals.
  3. We believe that the best youth development occurs in small groups where children and youth are actively involved in creating their own learning.
  4. We are committed to coeducation, providing opportunities for boys, girls, and families to develop together.
  5. We provide caring, trained mentors to work with children and youth.
  6. We are inclusive, welcoming children, youth and adults regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, or other aspect of diversity.
  7. We believe in the power of nature to awaken a child’s senses, curiosity, and desire to learn.
  8. We foster leadership, engaging children and youth to give service and make decisions in a democratic society.
  9. We provide safe, fun, and nurturing environments for children and youth.
  10. We enrich parents’ and other adults’ lives by expanding their skills and encouraging them to share their talents and build relationships with children and youth.
  11. We respond to community needs with our programs and expertise.
  12. We advocate on behalf of children, youth, and families.

front cover photo


We are youth-centered . . .

  • Youth take an active role in determining program content and activities.
  • Accomplishments are recognized and rewarded.
  • Personal skill-building progressively builds confidence and leadership in youth.
  • Youth take leadership roles with their peers, with younger youth, and in the community.

We engage families in fun activities . . .

  • Entire families belong and join together in fun and exciting activities.
  • Program includes the family in whatever form it takes in today’s society.
  • Parents, extended family members, and members of the community interact with youth and improve their own parenting and mentoring skills through their relationship with Camp Fire.

We are welcoming and inclusive . . .

  • Camp Fire programs are designed to provide co-educational activities for all youth.
  • Youth find a safe and inclusive place to explore the uniqueness of who they are.
  • Youth develop assets that are essential to the process of building character and maturity.

We build youth and adult partnerships . . .

  • Youth and adults work together to design, implement, and evaluate what they want to do.
  • Youth form lasting relationships with adults.
  • Young people need opportunities to be involved in positive activities with parents, family members, and other caring adults outside the family circle.

We provide service to others . . .

  • Service is a major component of programs.
  • Youth gain an awareness of the community and its needs.
  • Youth have an opportunity to participate in the initiation, planning, and execution of service projects that meet those needs.
  • Young people can make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of their families and their communities.

Depth of Field 

Camp Fire Tulsa has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to Camp Fire Tulsa ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Tyler La Plant
Volunteer Coordinator