9:00AM – 12:00PM PST
Opportunities are limited to availability of adult volunteers! If there are no tickets available, there is no work!
Swabby maintenance is open to active members of Mariners 936. Swabby is offered and all involved are encouraged to treat swabby maintenance as a "job" environment. Youths will not be paid in currency. However, the swabby benefit that youths receive will be redeemable in the payment of any Mariner fee or charge. (Job duties subject to change or be reassigned)
For swabby credit to be earned:
1) Youths must sign-up by 0700 on Saturday morning. Cancellations will be penalized by a 1/2 hour deduction. Failure to cancel will be penalized by a one hour deduction.
2) Youths must satisfy the adult who advises the work that the work performed justifies swabby credit
3) Youths must attend the entire time between 0900 and 1200 unless special dispensations have been given
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Liz Montagna
Swabby Director
Swabby Superintendent
Eric Martin
Swabby Records Clerk
Shannon McMorran